Poker 3Some-2

Poker 3Some-2
Poker based game with 3 players, each player has 2 opponents.
You play against two sexy girls (Opponent 1 and Opponent 2).
Game idea: Collect the best Poker Combinations to strip your opponents.
MAIN DIFFERENCE: To discard cards, you must cover some opponent's card with your card. Higher card covers the lower card of the same suit. Your covering card goes out, and the opponent's COVERED card comes to your hand. You may collect some good poker combination, by "discarding" this way - cover "interesting" opponent's cards with your "not-necessary" cards.
Gameplay: All players receive 5 cards from the deck. You play first - if you have some card at you hand, that you want to discard, and if you see some card at some opponent's hand, that will improve your combination, you may "discard" your card (change it) with opponent's card. Higher card covers lover card of the same suit.
Drag your card (that you want to discard) and place it on the opponent's card, that you are interested in. Your "covering" card goes out, and opponents "COVERED" card comes to your hand. Then, the opponent receives new card from the deck on the "empty" place at her hand.
Then, the turn of the Opponent 1 - she discards her card by covering some of your, or Opponent 2 cards. Then, the turn of Opponent 2, she discards her card the same way. After it, again, your turn, etc...
When some player have good enough combination, he "STANDs", to pass the current turn. If you have some good combination - click on the "STAND" button.
The set finishes, when you click on the "STAND" button, and combinations of all 3 players are compared. The player with the lowest combination strips for one STRIP-LEVEL. If you have the lowest combination, the winner (with the highest combination) dresses back for one STRIP-LEVEL.
When some opponent has lost the game (stripped to the Last STRIP-LEVEL - "Done"), she does not play in next sets. (But you may cover her cards for discarding).
To win the game, you must undress both your opponents to the maximum 7th STRIP-LEVEL.

Controls: Drag your card and place it over the opponent's card. Click on the "STAND" button, to finish the set.
  Poker Combinations:
Royal Flush - 10;
Straight Flush - 9;
Four of Kind - 8;
Full House - 7;
Flush - 6;
Straight - 5;
Three of Kind - 4;
Two Pairs - 3;
Two of Kind - 2;
Ace High - 1;
HTML5 game, playable on mobile
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